I believe I am extremely fortunate and lucky to have the life I do. I have been blessed with two beautiful and healthy children and a loving husband. It is a passion of mine to do whatever I can to help others in need as everyone deserves a helping hand at some point in their life. Here are some things The Little Stitch have done to do its part in helping others:

February 2011 - Hats Off for Cancer - Giving Hats to Children With Cancer

Hats Off For Cancer collects and donates hats of all kinds to the courageous children who lose their hair due to cancer treatments. As one of the leading and original hat programs, Hats Off For Cancer has donated more than 950,000 brand new hats to hospitals, camps, and individuals worldwide since 1996. 
The Little Stitch will be donating some hats to the Hats Off for Cancer program to help those children going through their cancer treatments.  

For donation information or to learn more about this program, please visit www.hatsoffforcancer.org.

January 2011Caps for Good Program - Save the Children and Warm Up America Foundation

Nearly 4 million babies die each year in their first month of life - half within their first 24 hours -mostly from preventable or treatable causes. But by giving mothers and caregivers a package of simple tools, including guidance on healthy newborn care practices, the majority of these deaths could be prevented.

The Little Stitch has provided some hats to the Caps for Good Program that will be sent to newborn health programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Learn more about this program at www.goodgoes.org/caps (and you can learn how to make your own hats to donate yourself!)